Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Parents who are wronged in divorce need vindication. Children should not suffer the effects of Litigation.

One has to wonder how much Chuck Douglas charge his litigants for his frivolous litigation.

Lawyers such as Chuck are a huge part of the family court problems. Add to it that Marital Master’s such as the notorious Alice Spelas Love and Phillip Cross who have a number of questionable complaints such as not addressing domestic violence even when the perpetrator confirms it, giving custody to men who have stated they thought of killing their family or who have served time for threatening their families. Only to be reviewed by the Judiciary Conduct Committee = to be unfounded – because in reality legislators have not given them the power to correct abuse’s of discretion, even when their own laws are not followed.

The redress of grievance caucus has not been reported on because they are not empowered with recognition from the house to address constituents’ complaints – that said though it should be recognized that the majority of this crew has tried to correct errors and get to the bottom of complaints of constituents throughout the state. Perhaps this round they will be recognized as a committee and empowered to act. One can only hope they actually take the time to look at all the facts of the matter where it began how it’s escalated etc, so that they do not become a part of the problem.

The death of Sarah 14 and Phillip 11 Gehring in 2003, tragic and senseless seems to be long forgotten – two children who died by the hand of their father. A contumacious divorce – the courts, the attorneys, the adults fighting and undermining the other. The question to be asking yourselves this time is --- “How do we make sure this NEVER happens again.” Divorce has no winners – children should be the first consideration and how to least impact and least disrupt their young lives - after all they are not divorcing their families and should not be asked to choose - life should continue the same for them even when parents live in separate households.

Fathers rights group are telling members to constantly bring their spouse to court and/or get DCYF involved to find her unfit. In an arena where there is no justice the family courts should be sanctioning people for not following their orders (justice) – people should not be going back to court 3 times or more on contempt because one party didn’t sign their appropriate paperwork or follow the court order.

Fines serve three (3) purposes one (1) it stops the useless litigation. Two (2) it gives validation to the aggrieved party. ((3) Maybe actually update the courts budget and say get off dos). The final component is actually having the courts following the law and not adding in their own interpretation of what’s in the best interest of the child, when two parties come in with like petitions for divorce the real problems come in when the courts completely deviate from the initial pleadings.

Is this too logical or too simple?

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