When it comes to the Department of Health and Human Services Nationwide and most assuredly in New Hampshire, "the trust and confidence" of citizens is seriously undermined.
The Following article shows how out of touch the New Hampshire Court System is: "In 2007, the state Supreme Court ruled the state underpaid the providers but said the agencies would have to sue to recover their money." Ensuring that a system already backed up, does not have the power to decide a case based on the stipulations of a simple contract (Contract's in America are actually suppose to be legally binding and are a consensual exchange). This article shows this case had to go back and reintroduce the same case in a Civil Suit; essentially a waste of time and money on attorney's to have the contract paid (enforced); and an additional burden on tax payers due to the duplication and additional court time and unfair to the businesses trying to provide services. Government at it's best:
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. (George Orwell 1903-1950) _________________________________The exposé within is based on Real Evidence & Laws and/or the disregard of one or both in NH. Persons guilty of fraudulent acts are named to warn others. The blog, “Current Matter”, coveys schemes found in courts, DCYF, domestic violence, inadequate representation and/or closed court rooms in NH. See footer for disclosure. Updates will continue.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Indian Heritage-Children Removed by NH DCYF
From the Puritans to the Jacksonian time period 1832 and trail of tears, through modern times; the European immigrants of the past as the citizens today; have left lingering effects upon the rights and lives of the Native Americans of this country.
A recent 20/20 segment with Diane Sawyer talked about the "Hidden America -Children of the Plains" and didn't come close to giving Americans any more understanding today than they had in 1675 when Metacom's War; or as white historians have name it King Phillips war broke out; in large part due to the fact that those immigrants took little to no effort to understand the cultural patterns and needs of Native Americans. The children of the plains are not the only Indian children in this country living in poverty and alcoholism. There are existence's of tribes in almost every state in the United States; yet we do not know of their plights nor have they been fairly compensated for the erroneous and numerous wrongs done to them throughout this country's history, and the parents need help and children need them to have that help; not be torn away to be assimilated to another completely alien culture.
The attached link shows that New Hampshire continues to wrong these people; now through the Department of Children Youth and Families. Specific failings can be attributed to Maggie Bishop and those before her, as shown in the link attached and the State of New Hampshire continues to fail not only the indigenous people who share our country and state but it fails over 66% of people they serve throughout the state and has the highest non-return of child to parent ratio in the country.
Don't talk to strangers... really parents of New Hampshire; be warned Don't talk with these people at DCYF without your lawyer present. For a wealth of Information on this topic check out Mrs. Knightly's site by clicking on the title. If you find her site to have to much rhetoric; and/or if her plight as a grandparent activist doesn't convince you that there is a problem in recognizing the natural rights of parents and children; the real evidence preserved in her blog from the National Government and numerous other cases will soften even the hardest of hearts although probably not the horrigans of this state.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Timothy Horrigan State Rep or State MENACE
HORRIGAN is a menace that needs to be ousted... the link attached is an uncalled for slight at family/children's rights activist Denise McIntosh. For the facts of that case you need to check her own site at: http://dmvc-results.blogspot.com/2011/11/suing-state-of-new-hampshire-department.html
This lady has been in Concord on numerous occasion's advocating for family and children rights; up against the Department of Children Youth and Families who nation wide violate parents rights.
It was made plain to everyone at the hearing she attended that she withdrew her petition because it was contrary to what Miss McIntosh originally submitted something Horrigan omitted and/or changed. While Horrigan the sloth; is entitled to an opinion it would appear he thrives on rudeness unfitting for his office, his public displays against people voicing their concerns in at legislative hearings creates apprehensions on the part of constituents. This oaf merely sits on a committee to deter constituents from a voice and the people of Durham have been deceived.
Horrigan maybe covered on floor of the house for immunity in his vain utterances; but he is not covered outside that house and the public should demand he is removed for conduct unfitting a political figure, we have had enough. He should at least be removed from the Redress Committee for his direct assault's on the integrity of the people who include not only McIntosh, but Katz-Grodman, Brewster, Clarkson, and Dionne for bringing their concerns forward for legislative consideration.
Mr. Horrigan does not stand for family rights; and his record is sketchy across the board check out his facebook page where did he graduate from and when or was IT why did he have to change schools 3 times in high school? http://www.facebook.com/timothy.horrigan#!/timothy.horrigan?sk=info
Moreover, check his voting record here: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/members/membervotingrecord.aspx?member=376826
Monday, November 7, 2011
Looks like Loves early reitrement isn't enough...
Check out these women taking their cases public...
http://nhdivorcelawsarebad.blogspot.com/2011/04/411-on-marital-master-alice-love-how.html coverage that happens to women everyday in MM Loves court
http://dmvc-results.blogspot.com/2011/11/suing-state-of-new-hampshire-department.html this all stated because MM Love would not follow the law and let a mother have her child's therapist records.
http://www.courts.state.nh.us/supreme/opinions/2001/pasqu130.htm you have to question this one when the GAL was actually working.
http://nhdivorcelawsarebad.blogspot.com/ survey results
made the worst ranked judges list http://www.courthouseforum.com/forums/worstrankings.php?year=2008&state=10948
Seriously its time to turn out some of these hags... the state of NH pays this ALICE LOVE FULLTIME MARITAL MASTER JUDICIAL BRANCH $106,320.56 check out others pay at http://pibuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/post%20documents/New%20Hampshire_2008statesalaries.pdf now how much is she getting paid for 1 day a week???
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Regular Accounting practices of NH strike again 35 million for medicare and now new additional theft to tax-payers in NH; wait till the audit on the Department of Health and Human Services comes through .... and you thought the bads guys were the "mob" its the good ole boy network in NH.
Home » News » Politics
Report says LGC owes taxpayers $100 million
State House Bureau Chief
Published Aug 2, 2011 at 3:28 pm (Updated Aug 2, 2011) ShareThis
CONCORD - The battle over whether taxpayers should get back $100 million that Local Government Center insurance operations collected is headed to administrative hearings at the Secretary of State's Office.
A report by the office's Bureau of Securities Regulation states that the LGC illegally converted its non-profit health and property insurance operations into Delaware corporations in 2003. Since that time, the report alleges LGC has engaged in a list of questionable activities. They include shifting health insurance funds into unrelated operations, running a bloated reserve fund, forcing insured towns to pay New Hampshire Municipal Association dues, and creating a generous retirement plan for its workers and administrators.
LGC administers health, property and worker compensation insurance plans for public employers like towns, cities and school districts. It paid claims of $356 million in 2010.
LGC executive director Maura Carroll said the insurance operations are directed by representatives of member towns and school districts who are intent on running lean and solvent plans to get the best value for taxpayers.
“We are good stewards of the money that is in our hands,” Carroll said.
The new report provides details of more general findings contained in a preliminary version that came out in May.
BRS Attorney Earle Wingate said he will soon file a petition seeking repayment he outlined in the report. They include $40 million in surplus reserves, $20 million in diverted health insurance money and $27 million in insurance-related money that went to LGC. Wingate also wants a full accounting of how much towns and schools had to pay since 2002 in membership dues to access insurance coverage.
LGC board member Peter Crosso said that if the center is required to return $100 million, insurance premiums will see a substantial increase operations will have to cease.
While details of the dispute are complex, Wingate said the issue is fairly simple.
“This is taxpayer money. Taxpayer money is in short supply. Any amount that can be saved should be saved,” Wingate said.
Wednesday print editions of the New Hampshire Union Leader will include more extensive coverage.
Regular Accounting practices of NH strike again 35 million for medicare and now new additional theft to tax-payers in NH; wait till the audit on the Department of Health and Human Services comes through .... and you thought the bads guys were the "mob" its the good ole boy network in NH.
Home » News » Politics
Report says LGC owes taxpayers $100 million
State House Bureau Chief
Published Aug 2, 2011 at 3:28 pm (Updated Aug 2, 2011) ShareThis
CONCORD - The battle over whether taxpayers should get back $100 million that Local Government Center insurance operations collected is headed to administrative hearings at the Secretary of State's Office.
A report by the office's Bureau of Securities Regulation states that the LGC illegally converted its non-profit health and property insurance operations into Delaware corporations in 2003. Since that time, the report alleges LGC has engaged in a list of questionable activities. They include shifting health insurance funds into unrelated operations, running a bloated reserve fund, forcing insured towns to pay New Hampshire Municipal Association dues, and creating a generous retirement plan for its workers and administrators.
LGC administers health, property and worker compensation insurance plans for public employers like towns, cities and school districts. It paid claims of $356 million in 2010.
LGC executive director Maura Carroll said the insurance operations are directed by representatives of member towns and school districts who are intent on running lean and solvent plans to get the best value for taxpayers.
“We are good stewards of the money that is in our hands,” Carroll said.
The new report provides details of more general findings contained in a preliminary version that came out in May.
BRS Attorney Earle Wingate said he will soon file a petition seeking repayment he outlined in the report. They include $40 million in surplus reserves, $20 million in diverted health insurance money and $27 million in insurance-related money that went to LGC. Wingate also wants a full accounting of how much towns and schools had to pay since 2002 in membership dues to access insurance coverage.
LGC board member Peter Crosso said that if the center is required to return $100 million, insurance premiums will see a substantial increase operations will have to cease.
While details of the dispute are complex, Wingate said the issue is fairly simple.
“This is taxpayer money. Taxpayer money is in short supply. Any amount that can be saved should be saved,” Wingate said.
Wednesday print editions of the New Hampshire Union Leader will include more extensive coverage.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
When you click the above link its no surprise that the page will no longer come up; so many people rallied the injustice of not providing an attorney when a family needs it most; it will only be a matter of time before its is over turned; since the US Supreme Court recognizies that losing a child is a fate worst than death and a constitutional right even if NH continues to go on it back woods ways.
Attorneys for needy parents cut
Accused must defend themselves
By Maddie Hanna / Monitor staff
July 9, 2011
Parents who cannot afford an attorney to defend themselves against accusations of abusing or neglecting their children are no longer entitled to have one appointed.
The change in state law, which went into effect July 1, was prompted by budget cuts. It has child advocates as well as attorneys who represent parents in abuse and neglect cases worried that more children will be permanently removed from their homes.
"When the government starts treading on your rights, that's when you have the right to a lawyer," said Tracy Bernson, a Dover family lawyer. "That's what's so wrong about this."
The change was proposed by the Judicial Council, which pays the state's public defenders, contract attorneys and guardians ad litem, and also funds New Hampshire Legal Assistance and the Indigent Defense Fund.
Like other state agencies, the council was asked by Gov. John Lynch to cut its $26 million budget by 5 percent this year, said Nina Gardner, its executive director.
That cut was actually deeper, Gardner said, because the council had gone over its budget by $2.5 million the year before. Faced with that situation, Gardner said the council was forced to preserve its constitutional responsibilities - criminal representation - and instead propose cuts to those it considered statutory, including the representation of parents in abuse and neglect cases.
"They weren't cold-blooded decisions," Gardner said, noting that the council also proposed ending the practice of appointing guardians ad litem in marital cases. Providing representation to accused parents in abuse and neglect cases costs about $1.2 million a year, Gardner said. About 400 new cases are filed each year, with 1,000 cases open at any given time.
A complex process
Abuse and neglect cases begin with a report to the state Division for Children, Youth and Families. After investigating the claims, the department may bring a case against the parents in family court. Virtually all of the parents involved in abuse and neglect cases qualify for court-appointed attorneys, family lawyers said.
Parents go to court for a preliminary hearing, to be followed within 30 days by the family court equivalent of a trial. The state calls witnesses, whom the parents and their attorneys can cross-examine. They can also call their own witnesses to defend themselves against the allegations.
The judge will then decide what happens to the child - and what parents need to do to address the problems in their home. Review hearings are held regularly, giving attorneys a chance to show the judge that parents are complying with the court's conditions.
The process is complex and the stakes tremendous: After a series of review hearings, if the parents haven't complied, the state could move for a permanent termination of parental rights. And that begins another court case.
While the cases aren't criminal - sexual and serious physical abuse allegations are referred to the police - "if you asked any of these parents . . . they'd take incarceration as long as they could keep their children," said Nancy Popp, a family law attorney who practices in Strafford County. "That's how important it is to them."
Popp, who has been handling abuse and neglect cases for 22 years, said 80 percent of the parents she represents have trouble reading. Many have mental health and substance abuse issues, and "they're probably the most disadvantaged group in terms of self representation that one could get or find," she said.
Without a lawyer, parents accused of abuse likely won't know they can subpoena witnesses, or understand how to interpret the state statutes, Popp said. They may not think to call experts as witnesses - a doctor, for example, who could counter a state's witness in a case accusing a parent of breaking a child's bones.
"They'll be going in alone, with whatever their disabilities might be," Popp said of accused parents. "I just think it's outrageous."
Attorneys for needy parents cut
Accused must defend themselves
By Maddie Hanna / Monitor staff
July 9, 2011
Parents who cannot afford an attorney to defend themselves against accusations of abusing or neglecting their children are no longer entitled to have one appointed.
The change in state law, which went into effect July 1, was prompted by budget cuts. It has child advocates as well as attorneys who represent parents in abuse and neglect cases worried that more children will be permanently removed from their homes.
"When the government starts treading on your rights, that's when you have the right to a lawyer," said Tracy Bernson, a Dover family lawyer. "That's what's so wrong about this."
The change was proposed by the Judicial Council, which pays the state's public defenders, contract attorneys and guardians ad litem, and also funds New Hampshire Legal Assistance and the Indigent Defense Fund.
Like other state agencies, the council was asked by Gov. John Lynch to cut its $26 million budget by 5 percent this year, said Nina Gardner, its executive director.
That cut was actually deeper, Gardner said, because the council had gone over its budget by $2.5 million the year before. Faced with that situation, Gardner said the council was forced to preserve its constitutional responsibilities - criminal representation - and instead propose cuts to those it considered statutory, including the representation of parents in abuse and neglect cases.
"They weren't cold-blooded decisions," Gardner said, noting that the council also proposed ending the practice of appointing guardians ad litem in marital cases. Providing representation to accused parents in abuse and neglect cases costs about $1.2 million a year, Gardner said. About 400 new cases are filed each year, with 1,000 cases open at any given time.
A complex process
Abuse and neglect cases begin with a report to the state Division for Children, Youth and Families. After investigating the claims, the department may bring a case against the parents in family court. Virtually all of the parents involved in abuse and neglect cases qualify for court-appointed attorneys, family lawyers said.
Parents go to court for a preliminary hearing, to be followed within 30 days by the family court equivalent of a trial. The state calls witnesses, whom the parents and their attorneys can cross-examine. They can also call their own witnesses to defend themselves against the allegations.
The judge will then decide what happens to the child - and what parents need to do to address the problems in their home. Review hearings are held regularly, giving attorneys a chance to show the judge that parents are complying with the court's conditions.
The process is complex and the stakes tremendous: After a series of review hearings, if the parents haven't complied, the state could move for a permanent termination of parental rights. And that begins another court case.
While the cases aren't criminal - sexual and serious physical abuse allegations are referred to the police - "if you asked any of these parents . . . they'd take incarceration as long as they could keep their children," said Nancy Popp, a family law attorney who practices in Strafford County. "That's how important it is to them."
Popp, who has been handling abuse and neglect cases for 22 years, said 80 percent of the parents she represents have trouble reading. Many have mental health and substance abuse issues, and "they're probably the most disadvantaged group in terms of self representation that one could get or find," she said.
Without a lawyer, parents accused of abuse likely won't know they can subpoena witnesses, or understand how to interpret the state statutes, Popp said. They may not think to call experts as witnesses - a doctor, for example, who could counter a state's witness in a case accusing a parent of breaking a child's bones.
"They'll be going in alone, with whatever their disabilities might be," Popp said of accused parents. "I just think it's outrageous."
Fathers Claim NH Courts Biased Against Them
While I did not personally see this coverage; I believe that Mrs. Knightly blog adequately conveys what the coverage did not cover.
When reading the coverage note that while 28% of those polled think fathers get the shaft; the majority 72% is not noted in the coverage giving a false picture; a typical omission done by WMUR.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Improperly used Medicaid Funds - No surprise here.
On May 16, 2011; you were forwarned about the corruption in New Hamsphire's choices of commissioners and the fact that a federal audit showed medicaid funds were improperly used in 2004; the truth does bite ... but the current commissioner Toumpas is glazing it over, so I guess if you live in NH you can just look at it as .... a 7 year interest free loan for what exactly Toumpas probably knows since he was under Stephens when he did it.
How much will DHHS lay on the tax payers when the federal audits catch up with them on the fraud in the division of Children, Youth and Families. Records and NH RSA 169:C show that the Childrens Trust Fund set up for children in the foster care system at age 18; is now a non-profit with diverse interests and money layering.
Funding for state aid to children is being redirected and not one child since 1986 who has left the foster care system has received the stipend due them when they turn 18 to help them get on with their lives...
Just look at it as another interest free loan I guess and oh those state taxes are coming closer and closer ........
How much will DHHS lay on the tax payers when the federal audits catch up with them on the fraud in the division of Children, Youth and Families. Records and NH RSA 169:C show that the Childrens Trust Fund set up for children in the foster care system at age 18; is now a non-profit with diverse interests and money layering.
Funding for state aid to children is being redirected and not one child since 1986 who has left the foster care system has received the stipend due them when they turn 18 to help them get on with their lives...
Just look at it as another interest free loan I guess and oh those state taxes are coming closer and closer ........
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Government's delicate balance of powers in jeopardy (?)
Doubtful ... the redress is part of the NH Constitution.
The only balance of power in jeopardy is the accountability lacking under Judge Kelly. The Johnson case while Mr. Kelly has made no direct point about the issues, is only one of many cases that actually have merit and were brought to legislators attention.
The point not made is that they are almost all being brought forward to help legislators understand why what and where the laws need to be changed so that the indiscretions and bias of Judges under Edwin W. Kelly and others can be stopped, they are simply out of control.
The only balance of power in jeopardy is the accountability lacking under Judge Kelly. The Johnson case while Mr. Kelly has made no direct point about the issues, is only one of many cases that actually have merit and were brought to legislators attention.
The point not made is that they are almost all being brought forward to help legislators understand why what and where the laws need to be changed so that the indiscretions and bias of Judges under Edwin W. Kelly and others can be stopped, they are simply out of control.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Interesting Case
"To take away all remedy for the enforcement of a right is to take away the right itself. But that is not within the power of the State." Poindexter v. Greenhow, 114 U.S. 270, 303 (1885).
Monday, May 16, 2011
NH will take $35m hit from feds
This article tries to imply that because John Stephens kissed Tommy Thompsons derrière they shouldn't have to pay back money the State fraudlulently took from Medicare (another audit they failed) perhaps the state just needs new auditors with ethics and an ability to follow the law.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
NH may take $35m hit from feds
Kevin Landrigan
Saturday, May 14, 2011
New Hampshire Family's should be Aware that the same problems exist here.
Child Support Overpayments: Lawsuit Alleges State of Ohio Withholds Too Much Money, Unfairly Charging Parents and U.S. Taxpayers - By American Coalition for Fathers and Children Published: Tuesday, May. 10, 2011 - 8:01 am
November 2010 through May 2011 an investigated by DMVC shows the state of New Hampshire is engaging in:
Monday, March 28, 2011
Gavel to Gavel
2011 is panning out the way it should have years ago. The old boys brethren is under siege and right now there are 10 judges (9 state, 1 federal) and at least one but working on three NH Marital Masters that are the target of impeachment or removal efforts in the state legislatures across the country this year. Congratulations, Massachusetts is in the lead. You have to love progress.......
Friday, March 18, 2011
NH House investigating impeaching marital master
With the complaints emerging in every legislator’s office about the courts and DCYF, constituents should be very concerned about the 105 who did not vote for an investigation. This state owes 35 million for Medicaid fraud repaying since 2004, who knows what will happen with the banking department, the liquor commission and now the impeachment of Judges and Marital Masters, the conduct of these individuals is more than concerning they all failed to recognize the significance of multiple consumer complaints...
Phillip Cross is one example, other examples are Marital Master Alice Love, Judge Bamberger and unfortunately the list goes on…..
Under Superior Court rules for Marital Masters 12- 14 D. DIVISION OF HUMAN SERVICES REFERRALS
"No referrals for New Hampshire Division of Human Services investigations are to be automatically approved, even when the parties agree. A “show cause” hearing is to be required except in extraordinary circumstances, and when referrals are approved, inquiry is to be made to determine if the party or parties are to bear the costs of reference…"
You have to ask yourself in reference to the telegraph article on 2/24/11 about 3-year-old Christian Jackson who died of “blunt force trauma” and whose death has been ruled as a homicide, whether or not it could it have been avoided if a show cause hearing was done and the division of children youth and families was required to keep him safe. Both the courts and the division of DCYF failed this child one is too many.
Or 2009, a 10 year old girl was being abused by her mother, neighbors called over 300 times without DCYF intervention until she almost dropped in school – telegraph 12/14/06. They are not getting better they are getting worst.
State and Federal Reports round two since 2003 show that the Division of Children Youth and Families and the courts that are supported by them, have failed 67 % of the children and families they are suppose to serve, and that includes the Judges who heard the cases because they did not fully review the material. In several cases the Judges have acted on matters that they had no subject matter or personal jurisdiction to take action on. Documents show that Judges have ordered payments for the non-accused non indigent parents attorneys contrary to NH RSA 169-C:27 (f) and specifically NH RSA 169-C:10 II (a).
The DCYF offices are so unfit that under NH RSA 169- C: 3XXVI Relative placement – they consistently say no relatives could be reached – however every child has an emergency contact card at school and social workers have NEVER shown they utilized this to contact relatives.
Under NH RSA 169-C:28 De Novo Appeals (to be heard anew) in the Superior Court lack consistency across the board in the State of NH and the administration of Superior Courts has no idea of what the protocol is, this is a due process violation to all constituents who have been involved in these types of hearings, simply because the appeal is not made available to ALL. Nevermind the numerous other reasons.
Lets mention the confidential court thing… what else don’t they want the public to know? These legislators should be disgusted and THEY need to get to the bottom of these issues. The above is just a small sample of the abuse families in NH suffer daily CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATORS the “live free or die motto” was never meant to reflect bureaucrats’ enrichment off the rest of the state.
Phillip Cross is one example, other examples are Marital Master Alice Love, Judge Bamberger and unfortunately the list goes on…..
Under Superior Court rules for Marital Masters 12- 14 D. DIVISION OF HUMAN SERVICES REFERRALS
"No referrals for New Hampshire Division of Human Services investigations are to be automatically approved, even when the parties agree. A “show cause” hearing is to be required except in extraordinary circumstances, and when referrals are approved, inquiry is to be made to determine if the party or parties are to bear the costs of reference…"
You have to ask yourself in reference to the telegraph article on 2/24/11 about 3-year-old Christian Jackson who died of “blunt force trauma” and whose death has been ruled as a homicide, whether or not it could it have been avoided if a show cause hearing was done and the division of children youth and families was required to keep him safe. Both the courts and the division of DCYF failed this child one is too many.
Or 2009, a 10 year old girl was being abused by her mother, neighbors called over 300 times without DCYF intervention until she almost dropped in school – telegraph 12/14/06. They are not getting better they are getting worst.
State and Federal Reports round two since 2003 show that the Division of Children Youth and Families and the courts that are supported by them, have failed 67 % of the children and families they are suppose to serve, and that includes the Judges who heard the cases because they did not fully review the material. In several cases the Judges have acted on matters that they had no subject matter or personal jurisdiction to take action on. Documents show that Judges have ordered payments for the non-accused non indigent parents attorneys contrary to NH RSA 169-C:27 (f) and specifically NH RSA 169-C:10 II (a).
The DCYF offices are so unfit that under NH RSA 169- C: 3XXVI Relative placement – they consistently say no relatives could be reached – however every child has an emergency contact card at school and social workers have NEVER shown they utilized this to contact relatives.
Under NH RSA 169-C:28 De Novo Appeals (to be heard anew) in the Superior Court lack consistency across the board in the State of NH and the administration of Superior Courts has no idea of what the protocol is, this is a due process violation to all constituents who have been involved in these types of hearings, simply because the appeal is not made available to ALL. Nevermind the numerous other reasons.
Lets mention the confidential court thing… what else don’t they want the public to know? These legislators should be disgusted and THEY need to get to the bottom of these issues. The above is just a small sample of the abuse families in NH suffer daily CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATORS the “live free or die motto” was never meant to reflect bureaucrats’ enrichment off the rest of the state.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
New Hampshire DCYF a constant failure - consistent deprival to many
Childs death may have been avoided if DCYF did their job and a Marital Master had not heard the case per rules 12-14 for marital masters.
A state juvenile parole officer of DCYF of course, because who else hires these jerks, this guy hits his own wife in a police station parking lot with his car. DCYF/DHHS has no comment as usual - because its typical you have to ask how this man handled the cases assigned to him.
A state juvenile parole officer of DCYF of course, because who else hires these jerks, this guy hits his own wife in a police station parking lot with his car. DCYF/DHHS has no comment as usual - because its typical you have to ask how this man handled the cases assigned to him.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
NH Non Fatal Strangulation - Law RSA 631 - Already Loses Affect - It's the variables that should concern you.
1/ 7/11 --- 1st Arrest 46 year old male assaulted 22 year-old daughter bail $25,000 increased due to past
Assault record to $40,000
Lt. Cunha quoted "The display of increased aggression . . . is a warning sign.”
2/21/11 --- 2nd Arrest 20 year old male assaulted 17 years-old girlfriend bail $5000 decrease of 20,000 in
Less than 45 days.
2ND ARREST variable in the fine ??? 20 year-old male is the County Attorney's son, special treatment or another indication of a failing judicial system that is bias and does not treat the public equally?
Assault record to $40,000
Lt. Cunha quoted "The display of increased aggression . . . is a warning sign.”
2/21/11 --- 2nd Arrest 20 year old male assaulted 17 years-old girlfriend bail $5000 decrease of 20,000 in
Less than 45 days.
2ND ARREST variable in the fine ??? 20 year-old male is the County Attorney's son, special treatment or another indication of a failing judicial system that is bias and does not treat the public equally?
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Truth thought for the day.
An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. -Mohandas Gandhi
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Seriously here again do NOT GET CAUGHT UP IN THE RHETORIC
Check out this article and let’s talk about a complete "waste of time" this session with legislators enacting laws that are already on the books!
For example:
HB 1585 relative to enforcement of orders regarding parenting plans, which would establish an expedited hearing process for motions to enforce parenting plans. Essentially the parents are seeking more timely intervention in the cases where the custodial parent is non-compliant with court ordered visitation rights...so they say
Hello Stephens you’re a lawyer right?? Missed the facts again no wonder you're not practicing.
1st there is this thing called an "Ex Parta Motion" for relief = done or made at the instance
2nd NH RSA 461-A:11 Modification of Parental Rights and Responsibilities. –
I. The court may issue an order modifying a permanent order concerning parental rights and responsibilities under any of the following circumstances:
(b) If the court finds repeated, intentional, and unwarranted interference by a parent with the residential responsibilities of the other parent, the court may order a change in the parental rights and responsibilities without the necessity of showing harm to the child, if the court determines that such change would be in accordance with the best interests of the child.
coupled /or with
NH RSA 461-A:4-a Judicial Enforcement of Parenting Plan. – Any motion for contempt or enforcement of an order regarding an approved parenting plan under this chapter, if filed by a parent, shall be reviewed by the court within 30 days.
Source. 2006, 251:1, eff. Aug. 4, 2006.
Common sense applies here ... possibly, heres a novel idea have the courts actually do their jobs and instead of sending a lack lustrous program like DHHS/DCYF down the parents back, (one that has again failed the federal audit) if one parent was suppose to have visitation start fining the person not doing what they are suppose to do! Maybe then the courts could open up to 5 days a week and get up to date with their computer systems.
The administrative offices of these courts in NH could also get their act together and apply some structure across the board so that hearings are actually done consistently across the board in all areas of the State. Just a thought ...
Sunday, February 6, 2011
On Valentine's Day, Monday February 14, 2011 at 11:00 am, Mothers of Lost Children will hold a press conference in front of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Ave SW, Washington DC. They are protesting the enormous expenditure of tax dollars to help ex-prisoners and known abusers connect with their children, and the heartbreak for mothers and children when this funding is misused and misapplied. A vigil and speakout by mothers and chlild victims will be held at the White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW on Sunday February 13 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.
During the past two decades, mothers have been losing custody of their children (even nursing infants) in increasing numbers to fathers who are convicted or identified batterers, child molesters, drug addicts, gang-bangers and felons. Family courts force children into the custody of abusive fathers at alarming rates, allowing these men to continue controlling and abusing their victims. Research shows that 70% of batterers who ask for custody get it. Safe mothers who left the abusers in order to protect their children are frequently labeled "unfriendly" and are inappropriately ordered to supervised visitation or denied all contact with their children.
"The reason, in part," says Karen Anderson, Executive Director of California Protective Parents Association, "lies in a misguided and dangerous objective of the Fatherhood Initiative to give fathers access to their children regardless of the risk they pose." 'The goal is to have former prisoners paying child support and reconnecting with their children as soon as possible,' (Washington Post June 21, 2010.)
"It's crazy to believe that allowing violent men to care for children is a good idea. Vulnerable children should not be used as guinea pigs to try to rehabilitate criminals," says Anderson.
The National Fatherhood Initiative website states in 15 years it has "ensured that two million more children are living with their fathers". The Leadership Council research indicates 58,000 children are placed with abusers every year. These statistics may be connected.
"Thousands of former prisoners and identified abusers have also discovered that if they get custody, they can receive child support instead of paying it." says Ms. Anderson. "It's a batterers' and molesters' paradise. Federally-funded supervised visitation centers are meant to protect children during visits with potentially dangerous fathers. Instead, family courts order safe mothers to see their children under supervision, which means the children aren't able to tell their mothers about abuse by their fathers. That way the Fatherhood Initiative goals are met to access even more federal funds."
During this time of deep fiscal crisis, when children are hungry and parents are penniless, $500,000,000.00 dollars designated to increase marriage and promote ex-prisoners to reconnect with and often harm children is doubly offensive.
Mothers of Lost Children call for a Congressional investigation into the failure of family courts to protect children and potential fraud, waste and abuse of taxpayer dollars.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
California pushes away from "Confidentiality Clause" When will NH "Stand up"??
State legislator pushes for historic public access to juvenile dependency courts statewide
By Karen de Sá
Posted: 02/02/2011 03:57:38 PM PST
Updated: 02/02/2011 03:57:39 PM PST
Marking a dramatic shift in the scrutiny of how California protects its most vulnerable children, the courts overseeing the state's vast foster care system would be open to the public for the first time since 1961, under legislation now working its way through the state Assembly.
Proponents, including the state's most influential juvenile court judges, say the exposure will improve performance by allowing outsiders to view and evaluate the quality of proceedings in the courts that decide the fate of more than 58,000 children in foster care last year who were removed from their homes following allegations of abuse and neglect. The change would bring California in line with a growing number of states nationwide that have opened their courts and found no reason to return to confidentiality standards.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Women Justices on a role ?
Did you know that?
• In New Hampshire one party is pro se in 85% of all civil cases in the district court and 48% of all civil cases in the superior court in 2004. -
• In probate court, both sides are unrepresented by lawyers in 38% of cases. In superior court domestic relations cases, almost 70% of cases have one pro se party, while in district court domestic violence cases, 97% of the cases have one pro se party. See. http://www.ncsconline.org/WC/Publications/Memos/ProSeStatsMemo.htm
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Petition to Kill NH Bill 39 - Rep Boehm wants only English, mathematics, science, social studies, and physical education...(???)
Ralph is it? An adequate education is not 4 subjects, I see you left in physical education are you a jock or wanna be.
Children need a variety of programs to be successful not everyone wants to go to college. You claim through this bill that with minimal subjects that children will be prepared for college. However, you neglect to realize that college is something not yet affordable for every student in America or even every student’s desire.
guest sign in Denise-Marie McIntoshMonday, January 24, 2011
BIG TROUBLE - questions to ask yourself - READ BETWEEN THE LINES
Attorney General Michael Delaney told the Executive Council that he is deciding whether to appeal a case regarding state hiring practices.
In November, a Merrimack County Superior Court judge ruled that the state must give laid-off state employees preference in being rehired into a more senior position, as long as the employee meets the minimum qualifications. The case centered on an employee of the Sununu Youth Services Center, but the ruling could have a significant impact on all the state's rehiring practices. Delaney argued that the ruling would allow a laid-off employee to "leapfrog" over everyone else for a promotion, whether or not the employee has appropriate management skills. Perhaps wording is a factor here to the writer of the piece must give "laid-off state employees preference in being rehired" as opposed to someone off the street or someone already employed - if someone else within has more experience than they could choose them and then put the laid-off candidate with less expereince there. hmm the word preference means =
Friday, January 21, 2011
Speak Out about family court endangerment of children SAVE THE DATE WRITE YOUR CONGRESSMAN
From: CA Protective Parents Association
Subject: News from CA Protective Parents Association
Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 4:25 PM
Dear Friends,
Congratulations to Mo Hannah and her team for a great Battered Mothers Custody Conference in Albany NY! We heard it was awesome.
1. SAVE THE DATES: February 13 and 14, 2011.
Mothers of Lost Children will gather at the White House from 2:00 to 4:00 pm Sunday 2/13 for a vigil and speak out about family court endangerment of children. On Monday 2/14 at 11:00 am we will gather at the US Department of Human Services, 200 Independence Ave SW, Washington DC for a press conference to protest the huge expenditure on Fatherhood and the zero expenditure on Motherhood. At noon we will march to Congress to ask again for Congressional hearings. It is crucial to maintain our presence in Washington DC. We encourage all you brave and hardy souls to join us in person. Wear your warmest clothes. See www.mothers-of-lost-children.com
Please consider writing letters to your 2 US Senators and your 1 Congressmember (http://www.contactingthecongress.org/ ) to request Congressional hearings on the failure of family courts to protect children. You can attach a 1 page summary of your case, if you wish.
Subject: News from CA Protective Parents Association
Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 4:25 PM
Dear Friends,
Congratulations to Mo Hannah and her team for a great Battered Mothers Custody Conference in Albany NY! We heard it was awesome.
1. SAVE THE DATES: February 13 and 14, 2011.
Mothers of Lost Children will gather at the White House from 2:00 to 4:00 pm Sunday 2/13 for a vigil and speak out about family court endangerment of children. On Monday 2/14 at 11:00 am we will gather at the US Department of Human Services, 200 Independence Ave SW, Washington DC for a press conference to protest the huge expenditure on Fatherhood and the zero expenditure on Motherhood. At noon we will march to Congress to ask again for Congressional hearings. It is crucial to maintain our presence in Washington DC. We encourage all you brave and hardy souls to join us in person. Wear your warmest clothes. See www.mothers-of-lost-children.com
Please consider writing letters to your 2 US Senators and your 1 Congressmember (http://www.contactingthecongress.org/ ) to request Congressional hearings on the failure of family courts to protect children. You can attach a 1 page summary of your case, if you wish.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
New Information no surprises Federal Government again finds NH DCYF not in COMPLIANCE
Thank you Denise for your submission of the Federal Audit which further explains the audit recently released by NH DHHS, and submitted by Unhappygrammy.
Denise's research relays that when looking at the numbers released by DHHS NH found at:
http://childwelfare.net/cfsreview/hhs_docs/statereports/NH/Statewideassessment2ndRoundCFSR.pdf, it is important to go to the Federal Site found at: http://library.childwelfare.gov/cwig/ws/cwmd/docs/cb_web/Record?w=NATIVE%28%27DT+ph+is+%27%27CFSR+Final+Report%27%27+and+STATE+%3D+%27%27New+Hampshire%27%27+and+RPERIOD+%3D+%27%271st++Round+CFSR%27%27%2C%27%272nd++Round+CFSR%27%27+and+DOC_AVAILABILITY+%5E%3D+%27%27Not+publicly+available+on+the+Children%27%27%27%27s+Bureau+website%27%27%27%29&m=2
to understand the % factors. To be an effective agency the federal guidelines state they must be within 95% compliance in all areas. While the Federal Report centers on 3 main areas of NH. The state report gives accurate numbers to each of the 12 offices of DCYF another factor these figures is that the cases are pulled randomly.
This link will bring you to a comparison:
Domestic Violence Victims Denied Assistance, where of course Nashua NH - Real Resources
Police in Nashua, NH 2011 DCYF in Nashua, NH 2011
An unnamed mother sustains non-threatening visible injuries - receives threats of strangulation - Nashua Police arrive for a "domestic disturbance" - called in by the aggressor - no documentation.
Another mother Nashua NH - receives non-threatening visible injuries attack is seen in a wide open public place in Nashua - bystanders look on - mother receives no support from law enforcement because the aggressor is part of law enforcement in another area of the state.
Mother & children A call to Bridges, Nashua - for Domestic Violence Support only to be denied, and a call to another shelter across the state only to be accepted. Keep trying until you get the help you need.
Mother & children A call to Bridges, Nashua - for Domestic Violence Support only to be told you need to leave the situation – however no resources given to enable a mother to leave.
Mother & children Bridges Advocate assists at court in filing out paperwork for a restraining order only to have denied because its not filed out correctly.
DCYF in Nashua, NH 2011
Has no perception of the domestic violence situation and has interjected their power and control to separate the children from the victim, without recourse for the predator all in an effort to exert their own personal needs for power and control and their special "mission".
A 2010 Statewide Assessment of DCYF shows Nashua, NH is FAILING AGAIN to supply services for families in need.
An unnamed mother sustains non-threatening visible injuries - receives threats of strangulation - Nashua Police arrive for a "domestic disturbance" - called in by the aggressor - no documentation.
Another mother Nashua NH - receives non-threatening visible injuries attack is seen in a wide open public place in Nashua - bystanders look on - mother receives no support from law enforcement because the aggressor is part of law enforcement in another area of the state.
Mother & children A call to Bridges, Nashua - for Domestic Violence Support only to be denied, and a call to another shelter across the state only to be accepted. Keep trying until you get the help you need.
Mother & children A call to Bridges, Nashua - for Domestic Violence Support only to be told you need to leave the situation – however no resources given to enable a mother to leave.
Mother & children Bridges Advocate assists at court in filing out paperwork for a restraining order only to have denied because its not filed out correctly.
DCYF in Nashua, NH 2011
Has no perception of the domestic violence situation and has interjected their power and control to separate the children from the victim, without recourse for the predator all in an effort to exert their own personal needs for power and control and their special "mission".
A 2010 Statewide Assessment of DCYF shows Nashua, NH is FAILING AGAIN to supply services for families in need.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Woman arrested after domestic stabbing - NashuaTelegraph.com
1/3/11 Woman arrested after domestic stabbing - NashuaTelegraph.com charged with a class
A felony - a man was the victim - injuries that weren’t life-threatening http://www.nashuatelegraph.com/news/904171-196/woman-arrested-after-domestic-stabbing.html
9/2/10 Mass. Man Charged With Domestic Violence In Nashua - New Hampshire News Story - WMUR Manchester http://www.wmur.com/news/24851846/detail.html
A Man charged with second-degree and simple assault, domestic violence and falsifying physical evidence after police respond to a report of a stabbing - the victim a woman suffered from non-life-threatening injuries
Double Standard or did the laws change in the last 3+ months. Just do a check on how reporters report on women versus men in these issues bias? compare the charges and the woman may end up with more jail time for the same crime
A felony - a man was the victim - injuries that weren’t life-threatening http://www.nashuatelegraph.com/news/904171-196/woman-arrested-after-domestic-stabbing.html
9/2/10 Mass. Man Charged With Domestic Violence In Nashua - New Hampshire News Story - WMUR Manchester http://www.wmur.com/news/24851846/detail.html
A Man charged with second-degree and simple assault, domestic violence and falsifying physical evidence after police respond to a report of a stabbing - the victim a woman suffered from non-life-threatening injuries
Double Standard or did the laws change in the last 3+ months. Just do a check on how reporters report on women versus men in these issues bias? compare the charges and the woman may end up with more jail time for the same crime
Police Serve First NH Strangulation Charge - New Hampshire News Story - WMUR Manchester
Police Serve First NH Strangulation Charge - New Hampshire News Story - WMUR Manchester
1st evidence = 2nd degree assault RSA 631:2 I (a) … causes serious bodily injury to another… 2nd DV aggressor blames victim. Victim is you over powered, airway restricted gasping for air, terror, struggle, if you escape affects last long after the marks. Without safe guards & support the behavior escalates Missy’s result 2 deaths almost 3. Victims need to attain safety & heal from the abuse. Batterers need to accept liability for choosing to use violence & learn to act in a nonabusive manner
This new law will aid in stopping the violence.
1st evidence = 2nd degree assault RSA 631:2 I (a) … causes serious bodily injury to another… 2nd DV aggressor blames victim. Victim is you over powered, airway restricted gasping for air, terror, struggle, if you escape affects last long after the marks. Without safe guards & support the behavior escalates Missy’s result 2 deaths almost 3. Victims need to attain safety & heal from the abuse. Batterers need to accept liability for choosing to use violence & learn to act in a nonabusive manner
This new law will aid in stopping the violence.