With the complaints emerging in every legislator’s office about the courts and DCYF, constituents should be very concerned about the 105 who did not vote for an investigation. This state owes 35 million for Medicaid fraud repaying since 2004, who knows what will happen with the banking department, the liquor commission and now the impeachment of Judges and Marital Masters, the conduct of these individuals is more than concerning they all failed to recognize the significance of multiple consumer complaints...
Phillip Cross is one example, other examples are Marital Master Alice Love, Judge Bamberger and unfortunately the list goes on…..
Under Superior Court rules for Marital Masters 12- 14 D. DIVISION OF HUMAN SERVICES REFERRALS
"No referrals for New Hampshire Division of Human Services investigations are to be automatically approved, even when the parties agree. A “show cause” hearing is to be required except in extraordinary circumstances, and when referrals are approved, inquiry is to be made to determine if the party or parties are to bear the costs of reference…"
You have to ask yourself in reference to the telegraph article on 2/24/11 about 3-year-old Christian Jackson who died of “blunt force trauma” and whose death has been ruled as a homicide, whether or not it could it have been avoided if a show cause hearing was done and the division of children youth and families was required to keep him safe. Both the courts and the division of DCYF failed this child one is too many.
Or 2009, a 10 year old girl was being abused by her mother, neighbors called over 300 times without DCYF intervention until she almost dropped in school – telegraph 12/14/06. They are not getting better they are getting worst.
State and Federal Reports round two since 2003 show that the Division of Children Youth and Families and the courts that are supported by them, have failed 67 % of the children and families they are suppose to serve, and that includes the Judges who heard the cases because they did not fully review the material. In several cases the Judges have acted on matters that they had no subject matter or personal jurisdiction to take action on. Documents show that Judges have ordered payments for the non-accused non indigent parents attorneys contrary to NH RSA 169-C:27 (f) and specifically NH RSA 169-C:10 II (a).
The DCYF offices are so unfit that under NH RSA 169- C: 3XXVI Relative placement – they consistently say no relatives could be reached – however every child has an emergency contact card at school and social workers have NEVER shown they utilized this to contact relatives.
Under NH RSA 169-C:28 De Novo Appeals (to be heard anew) in the Superior Court lack consistency across the board in the State of NH and the administration of Superior Courts has no idea of what the protocol is, this is a due process violation to all constituents who have been involved in these types of hearings, simply because the appeal is not made available to ALL. Nevermind the numerous other reasons.
Lets mention the confidential court thing… what else don’t they want the public to know? These legislators should be disgusted and THEY need to get to the bottom of these issues. The above is just a small sample of the abuse families in NH suffer daily CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATORS the “live free or die motto” was never meant to reflect bureaucrats’ enrichment off the rest of the state.
I'm disgusted with the NH judicial system and plan on getting to the bottom of it...It is unfair that these marital masters rule the way they do. They do not follow the LAW and need to be called on it.. Lots of money gets spent by people (single moms) and still no results! I'm tired of it and deman as a U.S. citizen to be heard fairly. And will go to any measure to see that done. I am pissed!!!!!! These masters don't live in our shoes, infact far from it, where i'm sure they are not scraping money in their car to buy a gallon of milk for their kids because the deadbeat ex isn't paying or following the rules. It's time something is done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!