Sunday, December 26, 2010

Keep juvenile offenders closer to their homes -

Keep juvenile offenders closer to their homes -

The overuse of the Sununu Center is simple, it allows DHHS to collect more federal money for their care and then turn aroud and bill the parents of these children at 100%. So where is the money going... and why is the Childrens Alliance, Child and Family Services and the Disabilitites Rights Center not doing more than writing a guest commentary piece through the telegraph to help these children? What other programs are avaliable for these young people and their families to help them become productive members of society?

Friday, December 24, 2010

Letter writer correct on lawmakers’ focus -

Letter writer correct on lawmakers’ focus -

I think Craig has a great point. Politicians should concentrate on why our courts are incapable of balancing a budget and consider getting a business manager to run the ALL THE courts and their budgets. Perhaps then the clerks could get together and all follow the same rules state-wide. You have a system full of Judges who should be concentrating on what their role is as a judge. Have more training in domestic violence, assets splits in divorces, and how to write an order in clear language and WHICH ACTUALLY FOLLOW the LAWS already in place.

Looking at some of the orders coming out of these courts it’s amazing that the judges and marital masters in NH can balance their personal checkbooks. (Check with the redress of grievance caucus from the last couple of years, now a committee.) They have no idea how to split stocks, IRA's the list goes on and their orders are incomplete, unreadable, and the results are an increase in litigation between the parties. Often only to have the parties come back to the court to have the Judge or Marital Master (with no accounting background) clarify their own orders, which they back track on and change a year or two later with oh I meant… Make the courts accountable for their lack of work ethics.

The reason so many parties are pro se is because Judges write orders that unintelligible and do not enforce the ones they have already made, making return visits to the courts the norm. So I agree Craig the issues have been decided, fix the problems you have now the budget and laws that contradict each other, give us some government accountability across the board and get rid of the Judges and Marital Masters who do not perform, we have no shortage on lawyers 8-9000 statewide to take their place. However, for lawyers, judges and marital masters we need better review boards; ones that are actually empowered to reprimand and sanction all three of these practices when their orders are ineffectual without merit when they are not based on the laws in place and when they are bias, not simply swept aside because they have wide discretion. ACCOUNTABILITY

Then move on to your biggest budget problem the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and do not bother with lame accountants who have no idea of the venues of money that come in from the federal government. Go with one of the big 4 accounting firms worldwide who have the staff to get to the bottom of the budget, make corrections and provide accountability.

If you don’t think it’s a problem look at these commissioners’ budgets, and current litigation within the last few years. Stephens oophs I double counted 70 million twice, oophs we have to pay back what 35 million to the federal government for a misuse of Medicaid funds. Oophs we didn’t pay service providers from 2004-2006, but we put into the federal government and received 75% reimbursement and oh yeah we billed the parents in these cases at 100%. Court orders from 2003 that are being relitigated becuase DHHS didn't corect the conditions. Federal audits that show they are not meeting federal guidelines. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that there might be a slight problem here.

This state has an out of control DHHS budget, and a court system that is incapable of functioning to serve the public with a governor who refuses to look into it. Exactly where is this money going… transparency is needed throughout government, accountability and consistency across the board.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

More cuts coming to NH courts -

Just a thoiught but perhaps a business manager might be more approrpiate for the Judicial System

Our Judges can barely right out a readable court order.

More cuts coming to NH courts -

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Confidential Courts - Game on

Confidential Courts - Game on

Confidential Courts serve only inadequate judicial guidelines and overzealous employees of Maggie Bishop. And it limits the media resources for fear of lawsuits and or simply laziness in reporting the whole story.

Parents are threatened with action of being charged with a misdemeanor for simply talking about the case. The Best Interest of the Child is elusive undefined and not as enlightened as it sounds.

The International Human Rights Law and US Citizens have a first amendment right to free speech, the gag orders implemented by DCYF prevent constituents from speaking out on their experience, closed courts impede other lawyers from learning how to argue these cases. In Standfield v. Florida Department of Children and Families (1997) the 2nd district found specifically ... courts cannot prohibit citizens from exercising their first amendment right to publicly discuss knowledge gain independent of court documents even if the same information appears in the court documents.

The court practice in these proceedings is very similar to the Clergy sex abuse cases - protecting pedophile pastors at the expense of their victims. DCYF does the same thing and with such a low standard to meet to prove guilt anything goes their victims might be you or your neighbors.

DCYF further victimizes families with their billing around these cases - federal funds reimburse the state for 75% of costs in these cases no matter how lack lustrous they are Under Title IV of the social security act. Yet these families are being charged 100% for services that have little merit.

Maggie Bishop’s response - no comment - the bills are confidential –no transparency in this day and age Federal and State money that we as tax payers provide yet we are NOT entitled to know what they are doing with the money - why not an audit from outside the state from one of the big four - like Price Water House Coopers, KPMG, Ernst and Young or Deliotte Touche' for the blatant lack of accountability.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Man accused of killing wife

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Man accused of killing wife

CANDIA – A man appeared in court Wednesday on charges he beat his wife to death with a flashlight, but authorities still haven’t said who killed the couple’s 4-year-old son, who was found strangled alongside his mother.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Parents who are wronged in divorce need vindication. Children should not suffer the effects of Litigation.

One has to wonder how much Chuck Douglas charge his litigants for his frivolous litigation.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Needs of Children Forgotten - State not protecting the rights of fathers -

State not protecting the rights of fathers (?)-

In Response to the article below:

Women who have been abused by their former spouses - do not lie about the abuse because to do so would mean they were an unfriendly parent and they risk losing custody. In NH this happens too often. These court records are "open to the public" and if you actually sat in or reviewed case files you would see a much different story - look up the fathers rights groups presidents records and you will find men who couldn't be around prior to the divorce due to being busy nursing their additions, but are whining following the divorce because they have to pay child support.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Charges are filed on abuse of Child - Claremont

Union Leader Correspondent 

CLAREMONT – A couple allegedly coerced a severely abused toddler to hit and poke herself on video to make it look as if she had caused her own injuries, according to police and prosecutors.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Baby assaulted by father - Unanswered Questions - did the mother report previously? If so where was the link that failed this child?

New Hampshire Union Leader Staff

CONCORD – A man charged with injuring his infant child has a history of physically abusing another daughter when she was a baby, his mother told police.
And, the mother of the injured baby told police she suspected Jason M. Teixeira, who turned 25 today, of 285 Village St., Apt. 6, Penacook, of having physically abused their daughter from the time she was two months old.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Danville slaying: Child may have seen mom die - Why didn't neighbors call when they heard screams?

Union Leader Correspondent

Danville slaying: Child may have seen mom die

DANVILLE – One day before allegedly murdering the mother of his small son, Jackson Mwangi posted a message on his Facebook page hinting at trouble in his life.
"Only God can help me," he wrote.

Friday, March 26, 2010

strangulation a felony / Woman Shot In Murder-Suicide Had Obtained Restraining Order / NH System Failed


March 26, 2010
MANCHESTER, N.H. -- Family members of a Manchester woman killed by her husband are speaking out as they begin to strengthen laws that could protect victims of domestic violence. Melissa Charbonneau was gunned down by her husband Jonathan in October 2009. 

 The murder was preceded two days earlier by a vicious beating that included strangulation. Now there is an effort in Concord to make strangulation a felony. 
In severely beating his wife Missy, Jonathan Charbonneau put his hands around her neck and choked her until his daughter intervened. After his arrest he was charged with misdemeanors and bailed out of jail while Missy was still in the hospital.